Thursday, January 27, 2011


One thing I like about a blog with no readers, is that I can blog whatever I want, and no one will even bother. Nice. That means I can bitch about everything and no one will ever notice, unless people start to swarm to this blog for some particular reasons. Not that I bitch about ppl...

On the bright side, Chinese New Year is right around the corner. That is a pretty awesome thing! Fuck yeah! Visiting, angpao (if people still give me... I'm 23! OMG!), food, drinks, alcohol, and the activity i'll call 'G'. It'll be fun to visit those people whom I don't often see at all during the year round, until the time when they start asking questions, with predictable Q&A sessions:

A: "Got GF boi?"
Me: "No la... Not yet."
A: "Fake la!"
Me: "..."

B: "When you graduate ah?"
Me: "End of this year."
B: "Waiya! Not bad bah! Quite fast! Staying there and getting PR or not?"
Me: "Er... No... Probably coming back."
B: "Why le? Over there money better le!"
Me: "... (thinking: If so, why the fuck are you still here?)"

C: "What you studying ah? "
Me: "Er.. Mechanical Engineering and Computer Science."
C: "Wah. Double degree ah. What is Computer Science ah?"
Me: "Er... programming softwares lo. "
C: "iPhone apps ah?"
Me: "That and more lo..."
C: "Nice le! Next time earn money, remember us o!"
Me: "Hahaha *sarcastically"
then see convo 2

You know the drill when you go past 21 years old... I'm pretty sure I'm not the only person who is always in this situation...

Can't wait till that day. Five more days! On leave on from next Tuesday to the fifth day of CNY! AWESOME!


Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Bored out of my mind

Ok, I'm official bored out of my god damn mind.

I was so bored that I designed a Php-mysql game, which is kinda similar to Mousehunt and ghost-trapper and etc. And it actually works. Well. Just for me... Localhost....

I was so bored that I copied out the whole source code for the facebook homepage and tried to study it for a bit.

I was so bored that I am helping my friend to recover his laptop which was somehow corrupt.

I was so bored that I am actually writing my professional practicum report at work.

I was so bored that I am actually starting to read local news......

Yeah, FML right?


Monday, January 24, 2011

The Accidental Billionaires

Four years ago, I begin receiving all these friend requests on my hotmail account. For a site called Facebook. Looking at the description, I was like: what the fuck is the difference between this and Friendster of MySpace? I was busy clicking delete for quite a few days before reaching home one day and found more than 20 emails. I was like... Hmm.. Might as well check it out for a bit.

Boy... I both regret and not regret on that decision. I think everyone had that same feeling, I'm sure.

Just watched this movie just a few days ago, and I gotta say, it brings a whole new light to programmers all around the world. Intellectual property theft... Boy, you gotta be hell thick in order to sue someone over that. If you are so damn self conscious on where your program gets to, write up a contract, a one-pager, or even something on a piece of tissue for god's sakes. Just because someone is designing something that is somewhat similar to what you are planning to write, doesn't make him a villian or a thief. It's called - seizing the moment!

Programming in my opinion, is all about seizing the right moment. If there is no standing contract between two parties, it pretty much mean that nothing stops a guy from developing another website. Though Mark did the right thing and avoided using any pre-existing code. But I just don't agree on his way of leading the twins and Divyna by the nose, and not rejecting them outright. If he had only rejected them, and came up with something of his own, then he wouldn't have lost those millions of dollars.

Now I am reading "The Accidental Billionaires", the book this movie is based on. Reading it on my iphone is a drag, but so far it has been quite a good read. Computers + code + jocks + sex + drugs? Seems like there's nothing that can connect them together. But by reading on this, the chronology in the book and the chronology in the movie is quite different. Will need to read more to understand.

Man, I hope I would have a million dollar idea soon. :D Then I would be able "to stand beside Oprah and the Queen". :D


Things Up To Now

Holy shit. Been a while since I updated this blog of mine.

Not that it really matters. :D

I have been really really busy, with work and other stuff as well. Almost every night I reach home at 11 o'clock, then take a bath then I just K.O on the bed without so much as doing anything else except checking a bit of facebook and catch up on the latest mangas.

Man, I miss uni life, where I can keep on watching series non-stop without having to do so much.

Maybe playing so much badminton is a bad idea. My left foot is starting to act up again. Cries. Now I have to find a tape and tape it up, so I don't injure it again. Fingers crossed. The same goes for my right wrist. Damn, it even hurts a bit just to type a blog. :<

My birthday just came and gone. It's quite a drag since I had to work that day. But it was quite alright in the end. Went to a friend's shop to have a drink and they asked me to bite the candle off the cake.. hell not falling for that again. Then came over to my house and mahjong up a bit. All in all, not a bad way to spend an evening.

Now I'm sitting in the office waiting for a new assignment. Hopefully nothing too hard. :D


Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Food for thought (1)

Ok, I have no freaking idea on what I want to talk about... So I'm just gonna crap stuff out until it makes no sense anymore...

Been reading comics off like mad these few days... Hell... I'm so bored I even have a folder in my harddisc that is labeled xkcd comics.... How sad was that? Well... IT'S NOT!

Been playing heaps of badminton, all of which leads to late night sleeps... Thus the even heavier eye bags... Although so, I feel that I'm improving, but hopefully, the injury on my left ankle doesn't act up again. If it does, then gg me...

Christmas is around the corner, and christmas songs are all over the radio. Just one problem... When it starts to play : "Let it snow, let it snow, let it snow...", I went like.... Er... Ok..... Malaysia should have their own version of christmas songs... My suggestion:"No more rain, no more rain, no more rain... ".

Speaking of which, the damn rain has been pouring down on us for the last couple of days now. It's kinda annoying and depressing in a way. Although I must admit, the nights are quite awesome to sleep in, which leads to the torture of waking up in the morning.

Work has been pretty good these last few weeks. Learnt heaps and I even get to go on site once in a while. Looking at the repository servers, I was like wow...

Ok, it's starting to make no sense whatsoever now... i guess I just ran out of things to say.

Anyhow, wish all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!


Sunday, December 12, 2010

Work + Study

Have been working at my new workplace for a couple of weeks now.

Been a pretty wonderful learning experience, and am in charge of a small portion of the project now. Hopefully it would not be a disappointing effort. :D

Results just came out a couple of days ago. As per use, the uni server just can't handle the sudden outburst of students logging in to check the result, even though it is at 12am in the morning. I only managed to log in after 130am.

3/4 results out only for now. Think Angus didn't finished marking his part yet. ... Anyway, all pass for the 3 that came out. One HD, one D and one CR. Not too happy about the CR, since I know I could have done better. The D is for MMS.... WHICH IS DOWNSCALED TO A PRETTY RIDICULOUS LEVEL! From what I can calculate, I would have gotten at least a mid HD.... SIGH!

Anyway, I am only enrolled in 7 units for next year atm, since they haven't removed my waived units... LOL! Hopefully that won't set me back one more year.....

Been playing heaps of badminton every week. Monday with Bro-in-law and co., wednesday and friday with dad's colleagues, and weekends with friends (sometimes). Hopefully I can get rid of this ridiculous tummy by the time I go back to Perth.


Aye on Whistleblower Protection Act


This is one big step for Malaysia. Hopefully this will stop the damn corruption all around Malaysia as we know it.

Of course, it'll take some time for the government and the enforcement agency to get used to the whole thing. Undoubtedly, some people will use this opportunity to abuse the system, and "tell" on people who are innocent. Hopefully that won't be the case here, or else all this will go down the drain.

On the plus side, people who has information can now step up and shout out their opinion (metaphorically). Hopefully the system that is going to be put in place will be able to handle the (I hope) abundant informants. As I can see in the flowchart from The Star Online , it seems to me that that is one hell of a long process. Maybe a more efficient method can be implemented as the years go by.
